Responsive Design

Modern websites should be built for all screen sizes. Every year more and more devices are released, increasing the need for fluid websites. Over 50% of internet users are now on mobile devices, some users are using tablets, and desktop computers are still going strong. These 3 category of devices can also come in a seemingly endless number of sizes as well.

How do we tackle this issue?

Mobile-First Design

What we do is we create our designs for mobile devices first. This makes sure that the core design is streamlined, isn't overly busy, and works on the category of devices that your end users will most likely be using the most.

From here we create the tablet and desktop versions, which are expansions from the smaller design.

To get these three sizes to work on the vast majority of devices, we use flexible units for our content. For instance, instead of saying "this picture needs to be 300 pixels wide", we say "this picture needs to be 80 percent of the screen width on mobile devices, and 50 percent of the width on laptops".

This makes sure that your website looks great, no matter what device your customers are using.